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海貍爸爸講故事 Papa Beaver's Story Time

海貍爸爸講故事 Papa Beaver's Story Time

海貍爸爸講故事 Papa Beaver's Story Time

導演:Greg Bailey / Jean Cubaud

主演:Teddy Lee Dillon / Bruce Dinsmore / Kathleen Fee / Pauline Little / Walter Massey


制片國傢/地區: 法國 / 加拿大

語言: 法語 / 英語


集數: 156

單集片長: 6分鐘

又名: 紮克講故事 / Histoires du Père Castor, Les

IMDb鏈接: tt0828274

海貍爸爸講故事 Papa Beaver's Story Time的劇情

Papa Beaver's Storytime is an animated television series tells of a single father beaver of three little beaver children of his own, two sons and one daughter, who would tell them different stories, either a fable or a fairytale to his children and at the end would tell them the moral of the story to teach them a lesson about their actions that have done before the story began.


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