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加菲貓和他的朋友們 第六季 Garfield and Friends Season 6

加菲貓和他的朋友們 第六季 Garfield and Friends Season 6

加菲貓和他的朋友們 第六季 Garfield and Friends Season 6

導演:Dave Brain / Ron Myrick

編劇:吉姆·戴維斯 / Mark Evanier

主演:羅倫佐·繆西卡 / Thom Huge / 格雷格·白爾傑 / 唐·諾茨 / 朱莉·佩恩 / 霍華德·莫裡斯 / 弗蘭克·維爾克 / Desirée Goyette / 內爾·洛斯

類型:喜劇 / 動畫 / 兒童

制片國傢/地區: 美國

語言: 英語


集數: 16

單集片長: 30分鐘

IMDb鏈接: tt1146606

加菲貓和他的朋友們 第六季 Garfield and Friends Season 6的劇情

In honor to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Garfield, CBS aired the sixth season in 1993. For this season, the titles changed at the beginning. Instead of showing clips from only the first two seasons, which is what happened for the last three seasons, the titles included more clips from the fifth season, plus some from this season and one from a second season episode "Health Feud", but still retaining a large amount of the original clips. However, the theme tune remained the same. Episodes 90–96 are available on the Garfield and Friends: Volume 4 DVD set. Episodes 97–105 are available on Garfield and Friends: Volume 5 DVD set.


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