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美少女學院 こいこい7

美少女學院 こいこい7

美少女學院 こいこい7


編劇:水越保 / 社綾

主演:後藤沙緒裡 / 稻村優奈 / 儀武祐子 / 古山貴實子 / 川瀬晶子 / 伊藤亜矢子 / 水樹奈奈 / 木村亞希子 / 音宮つばさ / 中島沙樹 / 阿部留美 / 正木香奈 / 二宮圭美 / 松來未祐 / 宮川美保 / 泰勇氣


官方網站: https://images.74u.net/d/file/content/2021/01/13/2021011323133674 日本

語言: 日語


集數: 13

又名: 戀戀7人組

美少女學院 こいこい7的劇情

Tanaka Tetsuro is excited at getting a full scholarship at a new high school, far away from his family. What he does not know is that he will be the only boy in an all girl school, and that there is a girl head-over-heels in love with him, waiting for his arrival. But his special friendship with the very cute and dynamic Asuka also causes him to get into a lot of trouble with the powerful student council leadership, as they are at open war with Asuka and her five friends, a group of super amazon warriors called the Koi Koi Seven.


豐力  夠浪漫  三元宮  錦渦  直言無諱  微言大義  高巷裡  神勇飛虎霸  紫晶  我們的時代  蝴蝶自來  谷旦村  烏石尾  突出表現  跳房子  元常 



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