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聰明的沃裡 Where's WallyWaldo

聰明的沃裡 Where's WallyWaldo

聰明的沃裡 Where's Wally/Waldo

導演:Phil Harnage / Evelyn Gabai

類型:喜劇 / 動畫 / 傢庭 / 奇幻 / 冒險

制片國傢/地區: 美國

語言: 英語


集數: 13

單集片長: 30分鐘

IMDb鏈接: tt0213376

聰明的沃裡 Where's Wally/Waldo的劇情

When I was a kid I always used to like to read the picture books, then they made them into a TV series on CITV. This was actually quite a good book based cartoon. Wally is a guy in a red and white fleece with a dog dressed the same. Basically every episode, when he felts like it (obviously all the time) he would get his magic walking stick and create a vortex that would transport him to another world, e.g. stone age, spooky, under the sea, jungle, etc. Wizard Whitebeard would be around to see how he was using the walking stick or how he was in the adventure, and the villain (I can't remember his name) in the yellow and black fleece would always try to steal the walking stick. But the main part of the show (hence the title) was when the audience at home have to spot Wally in a freeze frame (because he disappears for some reason), just like in the books. Very good!


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