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拽妹黛薇兒要上大學瞭沒 Daria: Is it College Yet

拽妹黛薇兒要上大學瞭沒 Daria: Is it College Yet

拽妹黛薇兒要上大學瞭沒 Daria: Is it College Yet?

導演:Karen Disher

編劇:Glenn Eichler / Peggy Nicoll

主演:Geoffrey Arend ... Charles 'Upchuck' Ruttheimer III (voice) / Tracy Grandstaff ... Daria Morgendorffer (voice) / Rand Bridges ... Professor Bill Woods (voice) (as H.R. Bridges)

類型:劇情 / 喜劇 / 動畫

制片國傢/地區: 美國

語言: english



又名: Is It College Yet? (TV) / Daria: Is It College Yet? - An MTV Movie

IMDb鏈接: tt0285627

拽妹黛薇兒要上大學瞭沒 Daria: Is it College Yet?的劇情

Graduation is looming and the seniors of Lawndale High are busy with college preparations. Daria and Tom are applying to snobby Bromwell, which Tom seems sure to get into, while Jane faces rejections from local art schools and contemplate life without an art degree. Jodie applies to an African American college against her parents' wishes, while the cheerleaders look forward to school at Great Prairie State. In the meantime, Quinn gets a part-time job hostessing and meets a new friend, Lindy, who helps brush off some of that shallowness. But Lindy isn't as perfect as she comes off. The pressures and frustrations of college applications, misunderstandings, and growing up mount with full force as the 'Daria' TV show finales with 'Is It College Yet?' Written by Adam Spradlin


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