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梭魚人生 Barracuda

梭魚人生 Barracuda

梭魚人生 Barracuda


編劇:Christos Tsiolkas / Blake Ayshford / Belinda Chayko

主演:Elias Anton / Ben Kindon / Imran Adams / Andrew Creer / 維多利亞·哈拉拉比多 / Rhys Mitchell / 馬特·納夫萊 / 瑞切爾·格裡菲斯 / Anthony Robb

類型:劇情 / 同性

制片國傢/地區: 澳大利亞

語言: 英語


集數: 4

單集片長: 50分鐘

IMDb鏈接: tt5482406

梭魚人生 Barracuda的劇情

Danny Kelly is a talented swimmer attends a prestigious Melbourne private school on a sporting scholarship. Working class, half Greek and half Scottish, he cops his fair share of harassment from the privileged students. Danny yearns to win swimming gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He is taken under the wing of highly regarded coach, Frank Torma and develops a friendship/rivalry with teammate Martin Taylor which inspire Danny to become Australia's youngest swimming champion.


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