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笑料一火車 第一季 Big Train Season 1

笑料一火車 第一季 Big Train Season 1

笑料一火車 第一季 Big Train Season 1

導演:格雷厄姆·萊恩漢 / Arthur Mathews

編劇:格雷厄姆·萊恩漢 / Arthur Mathews

主演:西蒙·佩吉 / 凱文·埃爾登 / 馬克·希普 / 朱莉婭·戴維斯 / 阿米莉亞·佈摩


制片國傢/地區: 英國

語言: English


集數: 6

單集片長: 30分鐘

IMDb鏈接: tt0178126

笑料一火車 第一季 Big Train Season 1的劇情

Unfairly written off as an attempt to replicate the cult hysteria of The Fast Show, Big Train dared to push the boundaries of a genre (the comedy sketch show) which thought it had seen it all. No, not all of it worked, but the same was true of Python, Vic&Bob and all the other groundbreakers. When it did - the manager who distracted his mutinous staff with juggling displays, the Jekyll & Hyde-type scientist, the staring competitions, Mao Tse-Tung as Bryan Ferry, it was painfully, inexplicably funny. Stick with it.


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