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橘子不是唯一的水果 Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit

橘子不是唯一的水果 Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit

橘子不是唯一的水果 Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit


編劇:Jeanette Winterson

主演:夏洛特·科曼 / Mark Aspinall / Emily Aston

類型:劇情 / 同性

制片國傢/地區: 英國/英國BBC

語言: 英語


集數: 3

單集片長: 55

IMDb鏈接: tt0098032

橘子不是唯一的水果 Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit的劇情

Jessica's extraordinarily strong will and heart enables her to rebel against her fanatical, cult-like upbringing. From seven to seventeen Jess is brainwashed to be one of the 'saved', to devote her life to Jesus, to follow the discriminatory teachings of Pastor Finch and his understanding of Revelations. As her warm personality dictates she succeeds in fitting into this regime and spreads the word of Jesus in a fairly content manner. But when her friendship with Melanie develops into something a little more 'unnatural' she easily realizes the error of the Pastors teachings. The girls are subjected to terrible treatment to convince them to repent.


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