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南城警事 第二季 Southland Season 2

南城警事 第二季 Southland Season 2

南城警事 第二季 Southland Season 2

導演:Christopher Chulack

編劇:Ann Biderman / Michael Cudlitz

主演:邁克爾·庫立茲 / 肖恩·海托西 / 本·麥肯錫 / 雷吉娜·金 / 阿裡加·巴利吉斯 / 特雷西·麥克格雷迪 / 凱文·阿歷詹卓 / 湯姆·艾弗瑞特·斯科特

類型:劇情 / 犯罪

官方網站: www.tnt.tv/series/southland/

制片國傢/地區: 美國

語言: 英語


集數: 6

單集片長: 40分鐘

又名: 洛城警事

IMDb鏈接: tt1503508

南城警事 第二季 Southland Season 2的劇情

Ben Sherman is about to complete Phase 2 of his rookie year. During Phase 3, he will be allowed to patrol solo. Detective Adams and Officer Brown are assigned new partners. Rene Cordero, Adams's new partner, is obsessed with receiving glory and press coverage. Their first case involves the search for an elderly man who left his home accompanied by an unknown black man. Brown's new partner, "Slug" Ferguson, quickly demonstrates how he earned that nickname when he starts a riot during a traffic stop. Meanwhile, Detectives Moretta and Bryant investigate a "Sonora shootout" involving a young Mexican man shot dead while driving an unregistered Bentley.


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