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告密者 Informer

告密者 Informer

告密者 Informer


編劇:羅裡·海恩斯 / Sohrab Noshirvani

主演:帕迪·康斯戴恩 / Nabhaan Rizwan / 蓓爾·波利 / Fehinti Balogun / Reiss Jeram / 傑西卡·雷恩 / 埃米莉·塔夫 / 保羅·泰來克 / Robert Whitelock / 阿舍爾·阿裡 / 奧莉維亞·波皮卡 / 阿琳澤·科納 / 尼爾·哈德森 / 瑞秋·塔克 / 斯蒂芬·懷特 / 保羅·佈萊克維爾 / 蒂利亞納·佈克麗瓦 / 克裡斯·考林 / 尼科拉·德裡克


制片國傢/地區: 英國

語言: 英語


集數: 6

單集片長: 60分鐘

又名: 內線 / 線人

IMDb鏈接: tt7161312

告密者 Informer的劇情

Informer is a sophisticated, character-driven thriller about Raza, a young, second generation Pakistani man from East London (Nabhaan Rizwan) who is coerced by Gabe, a Counter-Terrorism officer (Paddy Considine) to go undercover and inform for him. Gabe, who has a past he is unwilling to expose, is joined by Holly, his new and ambitious partner (Bel Powley) whose endless curiosity becomes threatening to him. As the central counterterrorism investigation heats up, the stakes for all three get higher and higher. Informer tells a story about identity in a world where lines are increasingly being drawn and sides are being taken. What happens when you, or your friends, family or neighbours fall on the wrong side of that line and the personal becomes political?


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