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加高歷險記 Clutch Cargo

加高歷險記 Clutch Cargo

加高歷險記 Clutch Cargo

導演:Phil Booth

編劇:Clark Haas

主演:Richard Cotting / Margaret Kerry / Hal Smith

類型:動作 / 動畫 / 傢庭 / 冒險

制片國傢/地區: 美國

語言: 英語


集數: 52

單集片長: 4 分鐘

又名: Clutch Cargo

IMDb鏈接: tt0124937

加高歷險記 Clutch Cargo的劇情

The stories centered around Clutch Cargo (voiced by radio actor Richard Cotting), described as "a writer and pilot with a muscular build, white hair and rugged good looks". As was typical of adventure serials, Clutch Cargo was sent around the world on dangerous assignments. Accompanying him on the assignments were his young ward Spinner and his pet dachshund, Paddlefoot. Actress Margaret Kerry, who provided the look, style, and movement of Tinker Bell in the 1953 Walt Disney Studios production of Peter Pan, provided both the voices and lips of Spinner and Paddlefoot. Live-action footage of an airplane was used as well, specifically that of a rare 1929 Bellanca C-27 Airbus. The attention to detail shown to the aircraft in the series is no doubt due to the fact that the creator of the series, Clark Haas, was a pioneer jet pilot.1


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