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蝙蝠俠:黑白世界 第二季 Batman: Black and White Season 2

蝙蝠俠:黑白世界 第二季 Batman: Black and White Season 2

蝙蝠俠:黑白世界 第二季 Batman: Black and White Season 2

導演:Ian Kirby

編劇:愛德·佈魯貝克 / 鮑勃·凱恩

主演:Michael Dobson / 詹妮斯·喬德 / Adam Fulton

類型:動作 / 動畫 / 犯罪 / 黑色電影

制片國傢/地區: 美國

語言: 英語


集數: 10

單集片長: 10分鐘

又名: 蝙蝠俠:黑與白

IMDb鏈接: tt1485238

蝙蝠俠:黑白世界 第二季 Batman: Black and White Season 2的劇情

Warner Premiere, Warner Bros Digital Distribution, and DC Comics produced semi-animated adaptations of several of the Black and White short stories and released them as motion comics. The motion comics were produced and directed by Ian Kirby and feature an original musical score by composer Adam Fulton and voice-actors, such as Michael Richard Dobson as the voice(s) of Batman, The Joker, Thomas Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth, John Fitzgerald as Commissioner Gordon and Two-Face, Janyse Jaud as Harley Quinn, Catwoman and Martha Wayne and Joseph May as Superman. Currently 10 episodes divided into 2 seasons are available via online streaming off of TheWB's website. The episodes are also available for purchase online via Apple's iTunes Store and other distribution channels, such as Amazon's Video On Demand for $0.99/2-episodes.
Season 2 Episode List (debuted 7/23/2009):
1 - I'll Be Watching
2 - The Call
3 - Monsters in the Closet
4 - A Game of Bat and Rat
5 - Hands
6 - Sunrise
7 - In Dreams
8 - Heroes
9 - Legend
10 - Blackout


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